Payment History report

On the PAYMENT HISTORY tab, you can generate a report that displays payment history based on the information you select. You can search according to beneficiary, identifier, and deal number, and for payments within a specific date range.

To generate a payment history report

  1. On Your Dashboard, click Reporting, and then click PAYMENT HISTORY.
    Alternatively, in the REPORTS section on the Home page, click Payment History.
  2. Enter search criteria in any of the displayed fields.
    Note: The Affiliate/Division column is displayed only if your company has one or more divisions and affiliates.
  3. Click SEARCH.
    The Payment History report appears.

    Payment History report including Tracker Id column

    You can click any of the column headings to reorder the displayed information according to that category, in either ascending or descending order.

    The Reference column displays any text that was entered in the Payment Reference field when the payment was created. This text is sent with the payment and is displayed on the confirmation. The Internal Note field displays any text that was entered in the Internal Note field when the payment was created. The Internal Note text is not displayed on the confirmation.

    If your dealer has booked any Fast Track Payments for you, the associated fee is displayed in the Fast Track Payment Fee column.
    Note: The Fast Track Payment Fee column is displayed only if the grid contains one or more payments with a Fast Track Payment fee.
  4. To view the Swift confirmation details for payment, click View in the Swift Msg column. The Swift Confirmation opens in a new browser window.
  5. If a payment has attachments, you will see a Paper clip iconpaper clip icon and a number to indicate the number of attachments. Click the icon to view a list of the attachments.

    Attachments list

    Then click an attachment to download and view it.
  6. In the Order # column, you can click a number to view the confirmation for that order.
  7. On the confirmation, click the icons at the top of the page to print the confirmation, email it, or save the confirmation details as a PDF. You can use the icons beside particular line items to print or email only the information related to that item.
  8. To view the current location and status of a payment, click the identifier in the Tracker Id column.

    Payment History report with TrackerId column highlighted

    Payments GPS opens in a new browser window.

    Trace Payments screen

    For more information on Payments GPS, see Understanding the Payments GPS screen.